smoking supplies in NZ

Your Choices for the best Smoking Supplies

So no, the electronic cigarette is not a medicine. Well, not directly. You will understand that by helping you decrease your smoking, you are less exposed to the toxic agents responsible for your smoker’s cough. With the smoking supplies in NZ you can find the best deals now.

The vapor allows us a significant monthly saving:

  • Monthly budget with vapor: 60 – 80 € / month.
  • One more motivation to start smoking cessation.
  • No more bad breath

Simple, efficient

smoking supplies in NZ

Substituting tobacco with the electronic cigarette is the guarantee of:

  • No more smell of cold tobacco on your clothes, in your mouth, at home, everywhere in fact
  • No more oily and gray skin due to tobacco

But also:

  • We can finally hope to have white teeth and not yellow
  • Only if you exclude coffee from your life.
  • Non-smoking friends stop moaning when the wind turns.
  • And since we were in the topic there recently, think of the savings of chewing gum! We are kidding.

Vape Benefits Electronic Cigarette

  • To absolve oneself from the terrible morning cough
  • A benefit that you will very quickly experience if you take the plunge and adopt the electronic cigarette to reduce your tobacco consumption.

And contrary to what one might think:

The smoker’s cough subsides quickly (usually between 1 and 3 weeks) after reducing your consumption of conventional cigarettes. Thank you vapor.

Don’t be short of breath

Get your breath back with an electronic cigarette. Let’s make it simple. As said before regarding the cough caused by the (excessive) consumption of tobacco, shortness of breath is a direct consequence of the classic cigarette.


Solution: Reduce your tobacco consumption by helping you with the electronic cigarette.

Advantage: You find breath, in proportion to the amount of tobacco that you will not smoke.

Once again thank you vapor.

You are part of a cleaner world

There is a direct link between the electronic cigarette and ecology. Can’t you see which one?

Did you know?

  • 4,300 billion cigarette butts thrown on the streets each year. That’s 137,000 butts per second. On average, it would take 12 years for these butts to fully degrade.
  • It’s easy: with every cigarette, you don’t smoke, there’s one less waste. Even worse if you are used to throwing your cigarette butts on the ground.
  • We can assure you that if you switch to the electronic cigarette, you will not have the reflex to throw it in a bush or on the road after each aspiration.
  • Finally, we hope.

You can vape in the rain without struggling

And stop looking for your lighter all the time.

E-clop outside

And it’s still a clear advantage. No need to roll your cigarette under your jacket or risk wetting the package. Dry in the pocket, just take out your electronic cigarette and presto, ready to use at all times. You can also request that the campaign be repeated every month. It’s interesting because if you want to work on your net linking over the long term, you can launch a campaign of the type: 2 directory links, 2 articles on general blogs and 1 article on a specialized blog each month for less than 200 € / month.